Virginian Dennis L. Martire

Hailing from northern Virginia where he currently lives with his family, Dennis L. Martire is the vice president and regional manager for the mid-Atlantic region of the Laborers’ International Union of North America. This is an elected position within the organization and one that Martire has filled, and been re-elected to, since 2002.
But Martire’s career with LIUNA extends beyond this position. He began with the organization in 1990 as an international representative. He also was a member of Local Union #1058, based out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Martire’s professional work with LIUNA was so successful — ranging from increasing wage rates for workers to beginning new labor unions — that he rose swiftly in the ranks during his first decade of service. Now, he continues his successes while also providing leadership across training programs, workers’ rights and various industry boards, committees and trusts.